
Performance Measurement Linking Balanced Scorecard to Business Intelligence【電子書籍】[ Stefano Tonchia ]

Item Number 10

<p>Business Intelligence (BI) and Performance Management (PM) ? the development and delivery of business insight for users and the management of execution based on that insight ? are two solution-types that promise to bring great value to enterprises. Yet most organizations haven’t yet realized the elusive bene?ts of these two important disciplines. The reasons for this are manifold. However, the primary causes are the culture of the organization and it leadership. This is a topic, which I’ve addressed at length in my latest book: Pro?les in Performance ? Business Intelligence Journeys and the Roadmap for Change. The culture and leadership of the organization determines the importance and strategic intent surrounding the use of BI and PM. Sadly, most organizations lack the motivation to embrace transparency and accountability ? or to align with the strategy of the organization ? enabling execution and coordination in unison with the mission. However, once an organization and its leadership are ready to take a step towards real change ? creating an environment of openness, sharing and alignment ? with BI and PM as its centerpiece ? the next question then becomes one of “how and where to begin”? Even with great strategic intent, missteps in the development and deployment of BI and PM and can cause disillusionment and disappointment ? lending support to the naysayers of the organization ? and leading to failure and abandonment of these critical programs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Item Number 10

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Shop Name ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
Price 商品価格 8,680円(税込み)

